Saturday, January 26, 2013

Back From The Brink!

OH, the potential beauty of these words, had they been spoken by my BD, and not the horrid FLU!!!

I am back!  Back from the brink of death!!!!  Or, at least, that's the way it felt!  I have been wallowing in the pain and ickiness of the flu for the first time in my entire life.  Thirty three years I have gone without ever getting a flu shot or the flu, and now I can no longer say that.  And let me just say, I hope I go another thirty three years (or the rest of my life) without ever getting it again!  I am only just today able to stay out of bed most of the day.  I have one thing to say about this flu crap, and then I am moving on:  Nyquil is my best friend, forever and for always.

Obviously, due to being so ill, my book project is not coming along quit as speedily as planned, but I have not given up hope!  Where there is a will, there is a way, and I have discovered that I have a whole lot more "will" than I ever thought I did.  Some more big news....I quit smoking!!!!  I am kind of sad about it, lol!  I enjoy smoking very much, but BD has finally put his foot down on the issue, so I finally have to give it up.  I have gotten down to maybe three cigarettes a week, and that is only when I am around someone who smokes.  So I am doing pretty darned good, if I do say so myself!  The only problem I have now is that I believe I am going to gain 500 pounds now that I have quit smoking!  I am eating ALL THE TIME to make up for the fact that I am not smoking!  BAD BAD BAD!  So, that brings me to my OTHER big news:

I am starting a workout program for myself.  I am going to do kickboxing, yoga, and bellydancing, and hopefully because all three of those are something I really want to learn, I will be able to convince my body that I am not actually EXERCISING, I am just having fun!  :-) Hopefully, my body is not that smart and will fall for the ruse!  Of course, this is not something I can jump into tomorrow, since I AM just getting over the flu and still not able to get an entire lung full of air, but I will spend the next few days recuperating and finding the right programs online....I figure I will just find you-tube videos and do it that way.  

I figure if I am going to make so many changes in my life, I might as well do them all at once, right?  Suddenly CREATE the person I want to be, instead of trying to slowly BECOME the person I want to be!

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  I have played around with working out before, but it is SO not something I enjoy, so any advice on what to do or times of day or anything else would really help!

Anyway, I just wanted to give you all an update on me and explain why I haven't been here in a while.  I know some of you were probably starting to worry! I'll be back soon with more of ME, for those of you who aren't sick of me already!!!  I have used some of the time being sick to work on getting the "Fluffy" project underway, as well as a Facebook page....still working on them both, but I am pretty excited about them!

Thanks for hanging in with me!



  1. i've kinda quit smoking but hold on to the one stick a month if i want to thing. That's our final compromise. so good on you! it's hard. i know.

    i hate exercising too. but i CAN walk. so i listen to my podcast during my 30 min walk. I also don't like feeling stranded... so I walk around my estate. I know that one round is 10 mins and that way I give myself the safety net of "opting out" if i need to... i haven't needed to just from KNOWING that i can.

    Yeah i'm that kind of person. i walk 30 or 40 mins when i can. and cos it's so low impact and almost effortless, i tell myself I can go more often. usually 3-4 times a week. except recently - cos of the flu too.

    and no, i didn't put on weight when i stopped(?) smoking. so it's kinda expected, but not always something that happens.

    1. My quitting is not going very well, I must say. I started out strong, but did not stay that way, lol! Congrats on quitting....or on practically quitting, lol!

      Congrats also on finding a type of exercise that works for you. It's hard. I have ideas of what may help me do it, but actually DOING it is the problem!

  2. Oh gosh having had the flu a few years ago you have my sympathy it really does hit hard, so take it easy still.

    Im a smoker although not a heavy one so im not about to lecture on that lol

    Im also not a fan of exercising but recognise it should be done..yeah wll im working on that!

    Good to see you back.


    1. Oh, I have never had the flu, so this is the first time, and I very much hope it never happens again! After going through it, then having a relapse, I honestly don't think I could live through it again, loL!

      I was a pretty heavy smoker, I guess. I smoked a pack a day. Now, I know people who smoke two packs a day, so I guess I am doing better than them....but trying to quit gets harder every day.

      LOL! I guess we are both working on the exercise thing...let me know how it goes for you!

      Thanks, it's good to be back, although getting on here to reply to comments and read other blogs is hard these days. But this is NOT something I am giving up! Ya'll help me so much, just by being here!

  3. I am glad that you are feeling better. I had a visit from the flu and one of its cousins.

    1. Ick, I'm sorry you got such a horrible visit, joey! Was it one of those "from out of town, eat all your food, dirty up your house and not clean it, never contribute at all, never wants to leave" kind of cousins???? I bet the flu has a LOT of those!

  4. That flu is kicking but this year, glad you're recovering. Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do...I still haven't been able to give it up_ I wish you luck.

    1. I'm finally recovering, thank you, Mrs. D. I had a relapse, but am feeling SO much better now!

      Thanks for the luck...but it's not going too well for me, either, right now, lol! I'll get there, though...and who knows, maybe you will, too, one day if you want to!

  5. Ick! Glad you are feeling better!

    YAY!! For quitting smoking! I have never even so much as touched a cigarette, but knowing many who have quit, it is HARD, so good for you!

    Exercising! Oh man. I am also a hater of exercising, so I am going to tell you my little secret.... Music (which isnt such a secret) You have to have something fast pumping into your ears, something that will inspire you to go a little bit farther, just a little bit longer.... AND audio books (or an ereader if you happen to step on a treadmill or exercise bike or something). Honestly. I have read the entire Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward (READ THEM if you havent) while on the bike or treadmill. I get so 'into' the stories (sexy gigantic dom-ish vampires who are possessive and protective of their women.. Perfect right?) that I forget that I am moving and sweating like something out of a horror movie. By the time my work out is done or I am ready to stop, I get off and I am jelly all over.. It's awesome because I didnt realize I had been working so damn hard. LOVE it!

    Good luck, getting into a routine of exercising is really hard, and if you fall off the wagon, don't get all upset about it. Just get up the next day and start again. Ive been trying to get a regimen down since last May.. I think Ive finally got it, and am now working out in some fashion 4-5 times a week and it doesn't feel awful.

    You can do it!!

    1. Yeah...quitting sucks. I have not made a lot of progress...but it sucks anyway, lol!

      I actually used to go to a gym six days a week for an hour and a half a day...I did that for six months! I would take a book and do the bike, the treadmill, and the elliptical (which to this day I hate with all my heart and soul). So I definitely agree with the book thing. I quit going to the gym, however, when those 6 months ended with me only losing 4 lbs!!!

      I will definitely check out those books when I get a chance! They sound awesome!

      Thanks for the luck and the support! Hopefully I can get some type of routine going for myself.

  6. Ugh, as someone who is never sick, but spent the month on the couch, I feel for you!

    I think that working out becomes easier once it is an established part of your routine.
    For me, I have to work out early in the day, or I get headaches. I find that putting off something I want to do, (like reading) until after I work out, helps to motivate me a bit--kind of like dangling a carrot for myself lol.

    Other than that, I would just say don't push yourself too hard, especially at first--it becomes even less fun. Plus, if you strain something the first week, it's a real motivation killer.

    1. Oh, lil, I didn't get out of my bed other than to pee for over a week! LOL! It was horrible! It might have been a little enjoyable if I hadn't thought I was dying!!! I'm glad you are feeling better, too!!!

      Thanks for the advice regarding exercising. I guess I'm just going to have to force myself to DO it and see what happens!

  7. I nominated you for a Very Inspiring blogger award. if you're interested in participating the details are on my latest post.

    1. I participated, I thanked you on your blog, and I just haven't had a chance to thank you here! I appreciate it so much!!! I would have nominated you back, lol, but that seemed a little silly. I really love your blog, too, Mrs. D. You really are inspirational! Thanks again!

  8. Yep, Im another one who never gets sick but is sick right now. Bleh, hope you feel better!

    Good for you for quitting smoking! Im working on this myself. I find that gum is my life saver!

    Exercise, well, this might not make a lot of sense lol. I hate exercise unless its kick my ass, feel like I might die, kind of exercise. I cant do thst slow low impact stuff. Too boring and I dont feel like I worked out at all when Im done. I try to push myself a lot. I find by doing that, Im much happier, prouder, and actually like it!

    1. Aw, Kitty, I'm sorry you got sick, too! I do feel better, after suffering through a relapse after I thought I was already better, lol! I hope you feel better, too!

      Yeah, the quitting smoking is not going so well. I am still working hard on it, but it just sucks! I hope it's going better for you than it is for me! You can do it!

      LOL! You want exercise to kick your butt, and I just want my butt to go away without having to exercise!!! LMAO! I am glad you have found a way that works for you. I DO want to lose a little weight, but mostly, I just want to be healthier. WHY isn't there a way to do both of those things without exercising???
