OH, the potential beauty of these words, had they been spoken by my BD, and not the horrid FLU!!!
I am back! Back from the brink of death!!!! Or, at least, that's the way it felt! I have been wallowing in the pain and ickiness of the flu for the first time in my entire life. Thirty three years I have gone without ever getting a flu shot or the flu, and now I can no longer say that. And let me just say, I hope I go another thirty three years (or the rest of my life) without ever getting it again! I am only just today able to stay out of bed most of the day. I have one thing to say about this flu crap, and then I am moving on: Nyquil is my best friend, forever and for always.
Obviously, due to being so ill, my book project is not coming along quit as speedily as planned, but I have not given up hope! Where there is a will, there is a way, and I have discovered that I have a whole lot more "will" than I ever thought I did. Some more big news....I quit smoking!!!! I am kind of sad about it, lol! I enjoy smoking very much, but BD has finally put his foot down on the issue, so I finally have to give it up. I have gotten down to maybe three cigarettes a week, and that is only when I am around someone who smokes. So I am doing pretty darned good, if I do say so myself! The only problem I have now is that I believe I am going to gain 500 pounds now that I have quit smoking! I am eating ALL THE TIME to make up for the fact that I am not smoking! BAD BAD BAD! So, that brings me to my OTHER big news:
I am starting a workout program for myself. I am going to do kickboxing, yoga, and bellydancing, and hopefully because all three of those are something I really want to learn, I will be able to convince my body that I am not actually EXERCISING, I am just having fun! :-) Hopefully, my body is not that smart and will fall for the ruse! Of course, this is not something I can jump into tomorrow, since I AM just getting over the flu and still not able to get an entire lung full of air, but I will spend the next few days recuperating and finding the right programs online....I figure I will just find you-tube videos and do it that way.
I figure if I am going to make so many changes in my life, I might as well do them all at once, right? Suddenly CREATE the person I want to be, instead of trying to slowly BECOME the person I want to be!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I have played around with
working out before, but it is SO not something I enjoy, so any advice
on what to do or times of day or anything else would really help!
Anyway, I just wanted to give you all an update on me and explain why I haven't been here in a while. I know some of you were probably starting to worry! I'll be back soon with more of ME, for those of you who aren't sick of me already!!! I have used some of the time being sick to work on getting the "Fluffy" project underway, as well as a Facebook page....still working on them both, but I am pretty excited about them!
Thanks for hanging in with me!